@extends('emails.layouts.master') @section('title', trans('mail.Welcome to :app_name :user_name', ['app_name' => config('settings.app_name'), 'user_name' => $user->name])) @section('content')

@lang('mail.Welcome to :app_name :user_name', ['app_name' => config('settings.app_name'), 'user_name' => $user->name])

@lang('mail.Click the button below to activate your account.')

@lang('mail.Activate my account')

@lang('mail.In some cases, the button of the link is inactive. Then please copy the link below into your Internet browser\'s address bar:

Note : :app_name team recommends that you:

1 - Always beware of advertisers refusing to make you see the product offered for sale or rental,
2 - Never send money by Western Union or other international mandate.

If you have any doubt about the seriousness of an advertiser, please contact us immediately. We can then neutralize as quickly as possible and prevent someone less informed do become the victim.

Thank you for your trust and see you soon,

The :domain Team

PS: This is an automated email, please don\'t reply.', ['activationLink' => lurl('user/activation/' . $user->activation_token), 'app_name' => config('settings.app_name'), 'countryDomain' => lurl('/'), 'domain' => ucfirst(getDomain())])
