@extends('emails.layouts.master') @section('title', trans('mail.Your ad ":title" has been archived', ['title' => $ad->title])) @section('content')


Your ad ":title" has been archived from :domain at :now.

You can repost it by clicking here : :repostLink

If you do nothing your ad will be permanently deleted on :dateDel.

Thank you for your trust and see you soon,

The :domain Team

PS: This is an automated email, please don\'t reply.', [ 'title' => mb_ucfirst($ad->title), 'now' => \Carbon\Carbon::now(session('time_zone'))->formatLocalized('%d %B %Y'), 'repostLink' => lurl('account/archived/repost/' . $ad->id), 'dateDel' => $ad->created_at->addMonths(4)->formatLocalized('%d %B %Y'), 'countryDomain' => lurl('/'), 'domain' => ucfirst(getDomain()) ])
