@extends('emails.layouts.master') @section('title', trans('mail.Activate your ad ":title"', ['title' => str_limit($ad->title, 50)])) @section('content')


Please kindly click the button below to confirm your ad. The button link redirects you to the classic version of our web site based on the device you are using:')

@lang('mail.Activate your Ad')

@lang('mail.In some cases, the button of the link is inactive. Then please copy the link below into your Internet browser\'s address bar:

Within 24 hours of your confirmation, your ad will be reviewed by our editorial team for validation and you will receive a validation email once your online ad.

Note: Do not forget your password. It will allow you to remove your ad once your article is sold.

Thank you for your trust and see you soon,

The :domain Team

PS: This is an automated email, please don\'t reply.', ['activationLink' => lurl('create-ad/activation/' . $ad->activation_token), 'countryDomain' => lurl('/'), 'domain' => ucfirst(getDomain())])
