{{-- * LaraClassified - Geo Classified Ads CMS * Copyright (c) Mayeul Akpovi. All Rights Reserved * * Email: mayeul.a@larapen.com * Website: http://larapen.com * * LICENSE * ------- * This software is furnished under a license and may be used and copied * only in accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion * of the above copyright notice. If you Purchased from Codecanyon, * Please read the full License from here - http://codecanyon.net/licenses/standard --}} @if (isset($lang) and isset($country) and $country->has('lang')) @if ($lang->get('abbr') != $country->get('lang')->get('abbr')) @endif @endif {{ MetaTag::get('title') }} {!! MetaTag::tag('description') !!} @foreach(LaravelLocalization::getSupportedLocales() as $localeCode => $properties) @if (is_available_lang($localeCode) and strtolower($localeCode) != strtolower($lang->get('abbr'))) @endif @endforeach @if (count($dns_prefetch) > 0) @foreach($dns_prefetch as $dns) @endforeach @endif @if (config('services.facebook.client_id')) @endif {!! $og->renderTags() !!} {!! MetaTag::twitterCard() !!} @if (config('settings.google_site_verification')) @endif @if (config('settings.msvalidate')) @endif @if (config('settings.alexa_verify_id')) @endif @if (config('app.theme')) @endif @if (config('settings.custom_css'))