
Geo Classified Ads CMS v1.1

Many thanks for your purchase. For a quick and easy installation we created for you this technical support. Please use the left navigation bar to browse through this support. Let’s go !

Before install make sure you have the proper server requirements

PHP 5.5.9 or greater
GD or Imagick
OpenSSL PHP Extension
PDO PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
Tokenizer PHP Extension

File and folder permissions

Before Install

/bootstrap        775
/database         775
/public/uploads   775
/storage          775

After Install

.env          644
PHP 5.5 or greater
GD or Imagick
OpenSSL PHP Extension
PDO PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
Tokenizer PHP Extension

Usual default path for config files.



On apache it will look something like this

<Directory "/path/to/your-web-root-path/public">
    AllowOverride All


root "/var/www/public";
location / {
   try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;

Here are links to 2 great blogs that will also help you with the install.

PHP 5.5 or greater
GD or Imagick
OpenSSL PHP Extension
PDO PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
Tokenizer PHP Extension

Before Install

/bootstrap        775
/database         775
/public/uploads   775
/storage          775

After Install

.env          644

Image Setting

We support for two image processor.

GD is very basic image resizing driver for PHP and only to used on basic website. It has memory issues and doesn’t perform well at all conditions.

If you want your site for pro-photography or better quality images we prefer you to use imagick instead for better quality results.

Please make sure that your server has imagick installed.

First make sure that you have imagick installed on your server, if not then contact your hosting provider.



Change it to


Clear All Image Cache

Caution..!! Your site might face down time until all images are re-cached

For those who are not using cloud CDN

For those who using cloud CDN

Image manipulation in PHP is a very memory consuming task. Since most tasks in PHP don’t exhaust default memory limits, you have to make sure your PHP configuration is able to allocate enough memory to handle large images.

The following php.ini directives are important.


Sets a maximum amount of memory in bytes that a script is allowed to allocate. Resizing a 3000 x 2000 pixel image to 300 x 200 may take up to 32MB memory.


If you’re planing to upload large images, verify that this setting for the maximum size of file uploads fits your needs.

Read more in the official PHP documentation for:

It’s possible to set these directives in your php.ini or at runtime with ini_set.

How can I set the Default country?

How can I set the Default currency?

How can I setup my paypal account?

How can I setup the packs/Plans?

How can I setup the advertising code (e.g. Adsense)?

How can I setup Recaptcha?

More options doc coming soon…

Coming soon...

You can find this docs here: